Saturday, February 2, 2008


Fastelavn is a tradition in Denmark that is similar to that of Carnival. It means literally the night before the fast. It was people's last chance to really have a good time before the fast started. In Denmark and Holland there was also a tradition where they would take a barrel with a cat inside and hit and kill the cat. The cat apparently represented evil.

Nowadays Fastelavn is a holiday for kids. They dress up in fun costumes and hit the barrell which is filled with candy. Afterwards they eat special Fastelavn donuts. Here's a picture of our junior primary trying to get the candy out. It was freezing cold and the barrell is very hard. I think we stood outside for over a half hour waiting for the kids to get it open.

Here's a picture of my friend Emma. She's from Scotland and is also married to a Dane. She dressed up as the tooth-fairy. She was on the activities committe and had to help with the event. It reminded of how Laura Gable and I were in charge of the party my first year in Denmark, and how we didn't know what the heck we were supposed to do. Fun memories.


Batman Forever said...

I'm glad you didn't use a real cat. Yikes.

Leigh said...

Yay! Welcome to the blog world!

mom said...

We want pictures of your apartment you!

Leigh said...

I know you don't live in the US of A anymore, but you can still vote in Leigh's unofficial new electronic presidential poll. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

ya seriously how horrible for the poor kitty cat!
They are pretty evil though. I've got two. They went freaking bonkers on a roll of toilet paper while we spent the weekend in Washington, DC. Crazy cats!